Editing guideline

Editing guidelines



The manuscripts submitted for publishing to „Arhivele Totalitarismului”/”Totalitarianism Archives” should be unedited, original and drafted in accordance to the following rules.


The submitted article should be accompanied by a short presentation of the author, with the mentioning of institutional affiliation, scientific and academic position, scientific degrees, email address and, if the case, the most recently published work. Also, the article should contain a short abstract in English (no more than 600 characters, no spaces) and a maximum of 5 keywords, but no less than 3, in English.  


The file consisting of the submitted material should be named using the name of the author and article’s title.

Format: text Times New Roman 12, footnotes Times New Roman 12, spacing 1,5.

The file should be sent in doc/docx format and of the illustrations in jpeg format 300 dpi.



Length and general characteristics of the submitted articles


Studies: maximum 40 000 characters, no spaces/ approximate 20 standard pages. The title of the submitted article should be descriptive, concise and must indicate the chronological limits. The studies must contain subtitles, an introduction presenting the stage of knowledge of the subject, the novelty of the research, the analysis of the subject, and a chapter of conclusions.


Documents: maximum 40 000 characters, no spaces/ approximate 20 standard pages. The texts published under this chapter must consist of the following elements: 2-4 pages of introduction and the documents must be accompanied by titles, the archival source and illustrations.


Biographies: maximum 10 000 characters, no spaces/ approximates 5 standard pages. Biographies do not have footnotes, but at the end of the text the authors are asked to attach a selective bibliography of the sources. „Totalitarianism Archives” encourages the authors to submit with along with the biography also an illustration proposal. This would consist in a photo portrait of the person whose biography is being submitted.


Book Reviews: maximum 10 000 characters, no spaces/ approximate 5 standard pages.




Guidelines for referencing



The first mention of the Archive will consist in the full name of the Archive, followed by the abbreviated form. The reference for archival resources should consist in the following sequence:




The Archive of the National Council for the Study of the Securitate Archives (ACNSAS), Documentary Fund, file 52, volume 12, p. 74.



Author’s First and Last Name, Title of the Book (Place of Publication: Publisher, Date of Publication) Page Number(s).


 Roy Medvedev, On Soviet Dissent. Interviews with Piero Ostelino ( New York: Columbia University Press, 1985) 1.  


Journal or collective volumes

  Author’s First and Last Name, “Title of Article”, in Title of Journal Volume (Year): Page Number(s).


Susan Peck MacDonald, “The Erasure of Language,” College Composition and Communication 58, no. 4 (2007): 619.


For electronic journals

Author’s First and Last Name, “Title of Article”, Title of Journal Volume (Year): Page Number(s), date of access, website address.



Henry E. Bent, “Professionalization of the Ph.D. Degree”, College Composition and Communication 58, no. 4 (2007): 141, accessed December 5, 2008, http://www.jstor.org/stable/1978286.



Author’s First and Last Name, “Title of Newspaper Article,” Title of Newspaper, Date, Edition: Page Number(s).


Emily Macel, “Beijing’s Modern Movement,” Dance Magazine, February 2009, 35.



Web resources

Name of the website and access date

 www.totalitarism.ro, 24 April 2020



This section has been drafted using the information from https://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/tools_citationguide.html

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