„Arhivele Totalitarismului”
(Totalitarianism Archives)
Volume XXVII, No. 104-105,
Bălănescu – PhD Candidate at the Romanian Academy, 3rd degree
researcher of the National Institute for the Study of Totalitarianism. Recently
published work: Ziua care nu
se uită. Revolta brașovenilor din 15 noiembrie 1987 (The Unforgetable Day. The Brașov Uprising in 15 November 1987) (Polirom,
2017, coauthoar).
Constantin Buchet – PhD in History, 2nd-degree researcher of the National Institute for the
Study of Totalitarianism. Chairman of the National Council for the Study of the
Securitate Archives (C.N.S.A.S.). Associate Professor at the
Cosmin Budeancă – PhD in History, researcher-expert of the Institute for the
Investigation of Communist Crimes and the Memory of the Romanian Exile.
Buga – PhD in History, Associate Professor of the National Institute for the
Study of Totalitarianism, coordinator of the Center for Russian and
Soviet Studies of the
National Institute for the Study of Totalitarianism, Vice President of
the Joint Romanian-Russian History Commission. Recently published work: Lumini şi umbre. Relaţiile economice
româno-sovietice, 1965-1989 (Lights
and Shadows. Romanian-Soviet Economic Relations) (I.N.S.T., 2019).
Puica Buhoci – Scientific researcher of the National Institute for the Study of Totalitarianism during 2006-2009.
Mihai Burcea – PhD in History, 3rd grade
researcher of the National
Institute for the Study of Totalitarianism. Recently published work: „Apărând orânduirea de stat”. Siguranța pe
urmele lui Gheorghe Crosneff în România interbelică (‟Defending State Order”: Safety in the Footsteps of Gheorghe Crosneff in
Interwar Romania) (Editura Universitatii din București, 2016).
Ana-Maria Cătănuş – PhD in History, 2nd degree
researcher of the National Institute for the Study of Totalitarianism. Recently
published work: Mihai Botez, Lumea a doua
şi alte scrieri din anii disidenţei solitare, 1979-1987 (Mihai Botez, The Second World and Other Writings from the Years of Solitary
Dissidence, 1979-1987) (Fundația Națională pentru Știință și Artă, 2018,
Dan Cătănuş – PhD in History, 2nd degree
researcher of the National Institute for the Study of Totalitarianism. Recently
published work: Comuniștii români și
„devierea de dreapta”. Istoria unei afaceri de partid, 1940-1968 (Romanian Communists and the “Right
Deviation”. History of a Party Business, 1940-1968) (I.N.S.T., 2018).
Radu Ciuceanu – Honorary member of the Romanian
Academy. Former political prisoner under the Communist
regime, between 1948 and 1963 (Penitentiaries of Craiova, Pitesti, Jilava,
Târgşor, Gherla, Văcăreşti, Lugoj). PhD in History, 1st degree researcher.
Director of the National Institute for the Study of Totalitarianism. Chairman
of the Scientific Council of the National Institute for the Study of
Totalitarianism. The initiator of the first film about the Romanian Gulag Dentro il Gulag Romeno, 1991, and
the television series Memorialul Durerii
(The Memorial of Pain). Recently
published work: Thalassa! Thalassa!
Thalassa! Memories, vol. VI (I.N.S.T., 2017).
Gábor Csikós – PhD in Philosophy, PhD candidate in History, fellow of the Rural History Research Group
of the Rural History Organization and Social History Society of the Hungarian
Academy of Sciences..
Claudiu Degeratu –
PhD candidate of the University in Bucharest; 3rd-grade researcher of the National Institute for the
Study of Totalitarianism.
Cristina Diac – PhD in
History, 3rd degree researcher of the National Institute for the Study of
Totalitarianism. Recently published work: Zorii
comunismului în România. Ștefan Foriș, un destin neterminat (The Dawn of Communism in Romania. Ştefan
Foriş, an Un-accomplished Destiny) (Editura Cetatea de Scaun, 2014).
Daniel Filip – PhD Candidate of the Faculty of History, University„Alexandru Ioan Cuza”
of Iași.
Octaviana Jianu – PhD in
history; 3rd grade researcher of the National Institute for the Study of Totalitarianism; trainee
researcher at Società Italiana per l'Organizzazione Internazionale, Rome.
Silviu Miloiu – Ph.D. History,
Professor Dr. Hab.; doctoral supervisor of ‘Valachia’ University; president of The Romanian Association for Baltic and
Nordic Studies; editor-in-chief of the Romanian Journal for Baltic and Nordic Studies. Recently published work: Strategic
Culture in Russia’s Neighborhood: Change and Continuity in an In-Between Space
(eds. Katalin Miklóssy and Hanna Smith, Lexington Books, 2019, coauthor).
Alexandru-Murad Mironov – PhD in History, 3rd-degree researcher of the National Institute for the
Study of Totalitarianism. Lecturer at the Faculty of History, University of
Bucharest. Recently published work: Vremea
încercărilor. Relaţiile româno-sovietice, 1930-1940 (The Time of Trial. Romanian-Soviet Relations, 1930-1940) (I.N.S.T.,
Elena Negru – PhD
in History, coordinator scientific researcher of
the Institute of History in Chişinău, Rep. Moldova. Recently published work:: „Cursul
deosebit” al României şi supărarea Moscovei. Disputa sovieto-română şi
campaniile propagandistice antiromâneşti din R.S.S.M. (1965-1989). Studiu şi
documente, vol. II: 1976-1989 (Romania’s Different Path and Moscow’s
Grudge. Soviet-Romanian Dispute and the Anti Romanian Propaganda Campaigns in
MSSR (1965-1989). Study and Documents, vol. II: 1976-1989) (Tehnica-Info, 2016, coauthor).
Gheorghe Negru – PhD
in History, coordinator scientific researcher of
the Institute of History in Chişinău, Rep. Moldova. Recently published work: „Cursul
deosebit” al României şi supărarea Moscovei. Disputa sovieto-română şi
campaniile propagandistice antiromâneşti din R.S.S.M. (1965-1989). Studiu şi
documente, vol. II: 1976-1989
(Romania’s Different Path and Moscow’s Grudge. Soviet-Romanian Dispute and the
Anti Romanian Propaganda Campaigns in MSSR (1965-1989).
Study and Documents, vol. II: 1976-1989)
(Tehnica-Info, 2016, coauthor).
Gheorghe Onişoru – PhD, 1st degree researcher at the National Institute
for the Study of Totalitarianism. Professor at the “Ștefan cel Mare” University
of Suceava. Recently published work: „Prin noi înşine”. O istorie a
Partidului Naţional-Liberal (By ourselves. A History of the National
Liberal Party) (2019, coauthor).
Petrescu – PhD in Comparative History. Associate
Professor at the Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Bucharest.
Recently published work: From Robin Hood
Don Quixote: Resistance and Dissent in Communist Romania (Editura
Enciclopedică, 2013).
Petrescu – Profesor
PhD, Professor at the Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Bucharest.
Recently published work: Entangled
Revolutions: The Breakdown of the Communist Regimes in East-Central Europe
(Editura Enciclopedică, Bucharest, 2014).
Adrian Pop –Professor of the Faculty of
Political Sciences and the National University of
Political Studies and Public Administration; doctoral supervisor at the
National University of Political Studies and Public Administration. Recently published work : Out of the Grey: Romania in
NATO, în Arnold H. Kammel, Benjamin Zyla (eds.), Peacebuilding at Home: NATO and its ‘new’
Member-States after Crimea (Nomos,
Baden-Baden, 2018).
Roske – PhD in Philology. 1st-degree researcher of the
National Institute for the Study of Totalitarianism. Associate Professor.
Chairman of the Department of English of the Faculty of Foreign Languages and
Literature, University of Bucharest. Scientific Secretary of the National
Institute for the Study of Totalitarianism. Editor-in-chief of “Totalitarianism
Archives” journal. Recently published work: Romania
1945-1989. Enciclopedia regimului comunist, vol. III, P-R. Represiunea (Romania 1945-1989. Encyclopaedia of the
Communist Regime. The Repression, Vol. III: P-R) (I.N.S.T., 2016, coord.).
Alexei Sergheevici Stepanov – PhD in History; superior scientific researcher of the Center of Russia
Contemporary History and Political Studies, Institute of History of the Russian
Academy of Sciences.
Nicoleta Şerban – Expert of the Institute for the Investigation of Communist Crimes and
the Memory of the Romanian Exile.
A. Ulunyan – PhD in History; head of the Department of Balkan,
South Caucasus and Central Asia History of the Institute of Universal History
of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Recently published
work: Scutul balcanic” al socialismului. Politica de
apărare a Albaniei, Bulgariei, României şi Iugoslaviei (mijlocul anilor 1950 –
anul 1980) (Socialism’s Balcanic Shield. The Defence
Policy of
„Arhivele Totalitarismului”
(Totalitarianism Archives)
Volume XXVII, No. 102-103,
Florin Abraham – PhD in History, 2nd-degree researcher of the National Institute for
the Study of Totalitarianism. Lecturer at the National University of Political
Studies and Public Administration. Representative of Romania in the Steering
Committee of the European Network “Remembrance and Solidarity”. Recently
published work: To Collaborate and to
Punish. Democracy and Transitional Justice in Romania, in Péter Apor,
Sándor Horváth, James Mark (eds.), Secret
Agents and the Memory of Everyday Collaboration in Communist Eastern Europe (Anthem
Press, London, New York, 2017).
Ciprian Bălăban – PhD, lecturer at the
Penticostal Theological Institute in
Buga – PhD in History, Associate Professor of the National Institute for the
Study of Totalitarianism, coordinator of the Center for Russian and
Soviet Studies of the
National Institute for the Study of Totalitarianism, Vice President of
the Joint Romanian-Russian History Commission. Recently published work: Lumini şi umbre. Relaţiile economice
româno-sovietice, 1965-1989 (Lights and Shadows. Romanian-Soviet Economic
Relations) (I.N.S.T.,
Dan Cătănuş – PhD in History, 2nd degree
researcher of the National Institute for the Study of Totalitarianism. Recently
published work: Comuniștii români și
„devierea de dreapta”. Istoria unei afaceri de partid, 1940-1968 (Romanian Communists and the “Right
Deviation”. History of a Party Business, 1940-1968) (I.N.S.T., 2018).
Radu Ciuceanu – Honorary member of the Romanian
Academy. Former political prisoner under the Communist
regime, between 1948 and 1963 (Penitentiaries of Craiova, Pitesti, Jilava,
Târgşor, Gherla, Văcăreşti, Lugoj). PhD in History, 1st degree researcher.
Director of the National Institute for the Study of Totalitarianism. Chairman
of the Scientific Council of the National Institute for the Study of
Totalitarianism. The initiator of the first film about the Romanian Gulag Dentro il Gulag Romeno, 1991, and
the television series Memorialul Durerii
(The Memorial of Pain). Recently
published work: Thalassa! Thalassa!
Thalassa! Memories, vol. VI (I.N.S.T., 2017).
Gheorghe E. Cojocaru – PhD
in History. Director of the Institute of History in Chişinău, Republic of
Moldova; president of the Commission for the study and analysis of the
totalitarian regime in the Republic of Moldova. Recently published work: Disputa
sovieto-română de la Viena, 27 martie – 2 aprilie 1924 (The Soviet –Romanian Dispute in Viena, 27
March – 2 April ) (Editura Litera, Chişinău, 2019).
Constantin Corneanu – PhD in History, general deputy director of the Institute of Romanian
Revolution in December 1989. Recently published work: Victorie însângerată. Decembrie 1989 (Bloodstained victory. December 1989) (Editura Cetatea de Scaun,
Târgoviște, 2014).
Andrea Dobeş – PhD in History. Curator at the Sighet Memorial. Recently published work: Ilie Lazăr. Consecvenţa unui
ideal politic, ediția a
II-a, revăzută şi adăugită (Ilie Lazăr. The Consistency of a Political
Ideal)(Fundaţia Academia Civică,
Lucica Iorga – B.A. in History and Geography of the
Pedagocic University „Ion
Creangă” in Chişinău; PhD candidate of the University „Al.I. Cuza” of Iaşi.
Dariusz Magier – Professor
Dr. Hab, historian and archivist, professor a the
Institute of History and International Relations of the University of Nature
Sciences and Human Sciences in Siedlce, Poland, director of the archival
departament. Recently published work: System biurokratyczny PZPR w
województwie bialskopodlaskim w latach 1975-1990 (Siedlce, 2013);
Florin-Răzvan Mihai – PhD
in History, 3rd grade researcher of the National Institute for the Study of Totalitarianism. Recently
published work: Die Deportation der
Deutschen aus Rumanien in die Sowjetunion, München, Landsmannschaft der Banater
Schwaben e.V., 2015 (coauthor).
Slavomír Michálek – Director of the Institute of History in Bratislava of the Academy of
Sciences of Slovakia. Recently published work: Dubček (
Alexandru-Murad Mironov – PhD in History, 3rd-grade researcher of the National Institute for the Study of Totalitarianism;
lecturer at the Faculty of History, University of Bucharest.
Gheorghe Onişoru – PhD, 1st degree researcher at the National
Institute for the Study of Totalitarianism. Professor at the “Ștefan cel Mare”
University of Suceava. Recently published work: „Prin noi înşine”. O istorie
a Partidului Naţional-Liberal (By ourselves. A History of the National
Liberal Party) (2019, coauthor).
Luiza Revyakina – PhD, researcher at the Institute of History
of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, professor at the University “Sf. Kliment Ohridski” in Sofia.
Roman – M.A. in International Relations at the Faculty
of History of the University in Bucharest. Expert researcher at the Institute
for the Investigation of Communist Crimes and the Memory of the Romanian Exile.
Roske – PhD in Philology. 1st degree researcher of the
National Institute for the Study of Totalitarianism. Associate Professor.
Chairman of the Department of English of the Faculty of Foreign Languages and
Literature, University of Bucharest. Scientific Secretary of the National
Institute for the Study of Totalitarianism. Editor-in-chief of “Totalitarianism
Archives” journal. Recently published work: Romania
1945-1989. Enciclopedia regimului comunist, vol. III, P-R. Represiunea (Romania 1945-1989. Encyclopaedia of the
Communist Regime. The Repression, Vol. III: P-R) (I.N.S.T., 2016, coord.).
Aleksandr Vladilenovici Shubin – PhD in History, 1st-degree researcher, head of departament at the
Institute of Universal History in Moscow of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Recently published work: Pace
pe drumul spre război. URSS şi criza internaţională din anii 1933-1940 (Peace on the way to war. SSSR and the
international crisis during 1933-1940)(Moscova, Algorithm, 2016).
Aleksandr S. Stykalin – PhD in History, leading researcher of the Institute for Slavic Studies
of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Recently published work: Zapisi besed: Vstreci i peregovorî na vîsşem
urovne rukovoditelei SSSR i Iugoslavii v 1946-1980. Tom 1. 1946-1964 (Notes of Conversations: High-level Meetings
and Conversations of U.S.S.R. and Yugoslav Leaders during 1946-1980, Vol.1,
1946-1964) (Moscow, 2014, co-author).
Mircea-Dorel Suciu – Member of the Scientific Board
of the
National Institute for the Study of Totalitarianism; Former researcher
at the Institute of History „N. Iorga” (November 1984 - May 1990), member of
the editing team of the academic colection „Documenta Romaniae Historica”,
seria B. Țara Românească. He was editor in chief of „Dosarele Istoriei” journal.
Deputy director of the Romanian Cultural Institute in New York during April
2014 - March 2018.
Florin Şandru – Phd in History, assistant researcher at the National Institute for
the Study of Totalitarianism.
Florian Tănăsescu – PhD, professor, member of the Scientific
Board of the National Institute for the Study of Totalitarianism.
„Arhivele Totalitarismului”
(Totalitarianism Archives)
Volume XXVI, No. 100-101,
Angelova - Associate Professor at the Faculty of
Journalism and Mass Communication, the “St. Kliment Ohridski” University of Sofia.
Recently published work: BNR et BNT -
entre Etat et société, 1989-2015
(Sofia, 2017, editor and author).
Bălăşescu - Lecturer at the Department of Journalism of
the Faculty of Journalism and Communication Sciences, the University of
Bucharest. Recently published work: Producția
de televiziune. Strategii, principii, tehnici (TV Production. Strategies, Principles, Techniques) (Tritonic, Bucharest,
Corneliu Beldiman – PhD in History, 2nd degree
researcher of the National
Institute for the Study of Totalitarianism. Recently published work: Institutul Național pentru Studiul Totalitarismului - 20 de ani de
activitate (1993-2013). Fenomenul totalitar: realități istorice și abordări
istoriografice. Conferința internațională aniversară a I.N.S.T., București,
26-27 septembrie 2013. [The National
Institute for the Study of Totalitarianism – 20 Years of Activity (1993-2013).
The Totalitarian Phenomenon: Historical Realities and Historiographical
Approaches.] (I.N.S.T., 2015,
Constantin Buchet – PhD in History, 2nd degree
researcher of the National
Institute for the Study of Totalitarianism. Chairman of the National Council
for the Study of the Securitate Archives (C.N.S.A.S.). Associate Professor at the
Buga – PhD in History, Associate Professor at the National Institute for the
Study of Totalitarianism, coordinator of the Centre for Russian and
Soviet Studies of the
National Institute for the Study of Totalitarianism, Vice President of
the Joint Romanian-Russian History Commission. Recently published work: Pe muchie de cuțit. Relațiile româno-sovietice,
1965-1989 (Edge of the Knife. The
Romanian-Soviet Relations, 1965-1989) (I.N.S.T., 2014).
Buhoci – Associate Researcher at the National Institute for the
Study of Totalitarianism. Recently published work: Mișcarea națională de rezistență din Oltenia, vol. V: 1948-1952 (The National Resistance Movement in Oltenia, vol. V: 1948-1952)
(I.N.S.T., 2007, co-author).
Burcea – PhD in History, 3rd grade researcher of the National Institute for the
Study of Totalitarianism. Recently published work: „Apărând orânduirea de stat”. Siguranța pe urmele lui Gheorghe Crosneff
în România interbelică (‟Defending
State Order”: Safety in the Footsteps of Gheorghe Crosneff in Interwar Romania)
(Editura Universit['ii din București, 2016).
Elena Cazacu – PhD Candidate at the ‟Ștefan cel Mare” University of
Suceava with the thesis project entitled Implicațiile
celui de-al Doilea Război Mondial pentru Bucovina. Acțiunile administrației
române în sudul provinciei Bucovina din anul 1944 (Implications of the Second World War on Bukovina. Actions of the Romanian Administration in the South of
Ana-Maria Cătănuş –
PhD in History, 2nd degree researcher of the National Institute for the Study
of Totalitarianism. Recently published work: Mihai Botez, Lumea a doua şi alte scrieri din anii disidenţei solitare,
1979-1987 (Mihai Botez, The Second World and Other Writings from the
Years of Solitary Dissidence, 1979-1987) (Fundația Națională pentru Știință
și Artă, 2018, editor).
Dan Cătănuş – PhD
in History, 2nd degree researcher of the National Institute for the Study of
Totalitarianism. Recently published work: Comuniștii
români și „devierea de dreapta”. Istoria unei afaceri de partid, 1940-1968
(Romanian Communists and the “Right Deviation”.
History of a Party Business, 1940-1968) (I.N.S.T., 2018).
Radu Ciuceanu – Former political prisoner
under the Communist regime, between 1948 and 1963 (Penitentiaries of Craiova,
Pitesti, Jilava, Târgşor, Gherla, Văcăreşti, Lugoj). PhD in History, 1st degree
researcher. Director of the National Institute for the Study of
Totalitarianism. Chairman of the Scientific Council of the National Institute
for the Study of Totalitarianism. The initiator of the first film about the
Romanian Gulag Dentro il Gulag Romeno,
1991, and the television series Memorialul
Durerii (The Memorial of Pain). Recently
published work: Thalassa! Thalassa!
Thalassa! Memories, vol. VI (I.N.S.T., 2017).
Constantin Corneanu –
PhD in History, Deputy General Manager of the Institute of the Romanian
Revolution of December 1989. Recently published work: Victorie însângerată. Decembrie 1989 (Bloody Victory. December 1989) (Editura Cetatea de Scaun,
Târgoviște, 2014).
Csikós Gábor –PhD
in Philosophy, PhD candidate in History. Member of the Rural History Research
Group, the Rural History Organization, and the Social History Society of the
Mihai Dobre – PhD in History, lecturer at the Faculty of History of the University of
Bucharest. Minister Plenipotentiary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of
Romania. Recently published work: România
la sfârșitul Războiului Rece (Romania
at the End of the Cold War. Geopolitical Status and Security Options) (Editura
Enciclopedică, 2011).
Gajewski – Assistant Professor at the Institute of
Literary Research in Warsaw, Polish Academy of Sciences.
Constantin Geambaşu –
PhD, Professor at the Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures,
Anca Irina Ionescu – PhD,
Professor at the
Jianu – PhD in history, trainee researcher at Società
Italiana per l'Organizzazione Internazionale, Rome. Associate Researcher at the
Institute of Sociology of the Romanian Academy.
Alexandru Matei –
PhD in French Literature (
Florin-Răzvan Mihai
– PhD in History, 3rd degree researcher of the National Institute for the Study
of Totalitarianism. Recently published work: Viața lui Ceaușescu. Vol. III: Tiranul (The Life of Ceauşescu, volume III: The Tyrant) (Editura Cetatea de Scaun, 2015).
Antoaneta Olteanu – PhD,
Professor at the Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures,
Cristina Petrescu – PhD
in Comparative History. Associate Professor at the Faculty of Political
Sciences, University of
Don Quixote: Resistance and Dissent in Communist
Dragoş Petrescu
– PhD, Professor at the Faculty of
Political Sciences, University of
Adrian Pop – PhD,
Professor at the Faculty of Political Sciences, the
Roske – PhD in Philology. 1st degree researcher of the
National Institute for the Study of Totalitarianism. Associate Professor. Chairman
of the Department of English of the Faculty of Foreign Languages and
Literature, University of Bucharest. Scientific Secretary of the National
Institute for the Study of Totalitarianism. Editor-in-chief of “Totalitarianism
Archives” journal. Recently published work: Romania
1945-1989. Enciclopedia regimului comunist, vol. III, P-R. Represiunea (Romania 1945-1989. Encyclopaedia of the
Communist Regime. The Repression, Vol. III: P-R) (I.N.S.T., 2016, coord.).
Sălăgean –PhD, Professor at the Faculty of History and
Philosophy of the “Babeş-Bolyai” University (U.B.B.). Chairman of the Doctoral
School of the Faculty of History and Philosophy of the U.B.B. Recently
published work: Transilvania în jocul de
interese al Marilor Puteri, 1940-1947 (Transylvania
in the Interests of Great Powers, 1940-1947) (Editura Mega, Cluj-Napoca,
Surugiu – Associate Professor at the Faculty of
Journalism and Communication Sciences, University of Bucharest. Recently
published work: Exploring the Role of
Romanian Television in Public Sphere (1957-1989), in The European Proceedings of Social & Behavioural Sciences, vol.
XXVII/2017 (co-author).
Ştefănel – PhD in Sociology, Lecturer at the Faculty of Journalism and
Communication Studies,
Florian Tănăsescu – PhD,
Professor, and member of the Scientific Council of the National Institute for
the Study of Totalitarianism.
Zaslavskaia – PhD in History, co-founder and Director
of the International Centre for Alternative Culture in Budapest, Hungary.
„Arhivele Totalitarismului”
(Totalitarianism Archives)
Volume XXVI, No. 98-99, 1-2/2018
Flori Bălănescu – PhD
Candidate, 3rd degree researcher of the National Institute for the Study of
Totalitarianism. Recently published work:
Corneliu Beldiman – PhD in History, 2nd degree
researcher of the National
Institute for the Study of Totalitarianism. Recently published work: Institutul Național pentru Studiul Totalitarismului - 20 de ani de
activitate (1993-2013). Fenomenul totalitar: realități istorice și abordări
istoriografice. Conferința internațională aniversară a INST, București, 26-27
septembrie 2013. [The National
Institute for the Study of Totalitarianism – 20 Years of Activity (1993-2013).
The Totalitarian Phenomenon: Historical Realities and Historiographical
Approaches.] (I.N.S.T., 2015,
Buga – PhD in History, Associate Professor at the National Institute for the
Study of Totalitarianism, coordinator of the Centre for Russian and
Soviet Studies of the
National Institute for the Study of Totalitarianism, Vice President of
the Joint Romanian-Russian History Commission. Recently published work: Pe muchie de cuțit. Relațiile
româno-sovietice, 1965-1989 (Edge of
the Knife. The Romanian-Soviet Relations, 1965-1989) (I.N.S.T., 2014).
Burcea – PhD in History, 3rd grade researcher of the National Institute for the
Study of Totalitarianism. Recently published work: „Apărând orânduirea de stat”. Siguranța pe urmele lui Gheorghe Crosneff
în România interbelică (‟Defending
State Order”: Safety in the Footsteps of Gheorghe Crosneff in Interwar Romania)
(Editura Universității din București, 2016).
Dan Cătănuş –
PhD in History, 2nd degree researcher of the National Institute for the Study
of Totalitarianism. Recently published work: Comuniștii români și „devierea de dreapta”. Istoria unei afaceri de
partid, 1940-1968 (Romanian
Communists and the “Right Deviation”. History of a Party Business, 1940-1968) (I.N.S.T.,
Radu Ciuceanu – Former political prisoner
under the Communist regime, between 1948 and 1963 (Penitentiaries of Craiova,
Pitesti, Jilava, Târgşor, Gherla, Văcăreşti, Lugoj). PhD in History, 1st degree
researcher. Director of the National Institute for the Study of
Totalitarianism. Chairman of the Scientific Council of the National Institute
for the Study of Totalitarianism. The initiator of the first film about the
Romanian Gulag Dentro il Gulag Romeno,
1991, and the television series Memorialul
Durerii (The Memorial of Pain).
Recently published work: Thalassa!
Thalassa! Thalassa! Memories, vol. VI (I.N.S.T., 2017).
Constantin – PhD in History. Associate Researcher of the National Institute
for the Study of Totalitarianism. Recently published work: România, Marile Puteri și problema Basarabiei (Romania, the Great Powers and the Bessarabian Problem) (Second Edition, Editura Enciclopedică, 2017).
Lilia Crudu – Researcher of the Department of
Contemporary History of the Institute of History in Chișinău, the Republic of
Moldova. Former member of the Commission for the Study and Analysis of the
Totalitarian Communist Regime in the Republic of Moldova. Recently published
work: Cadrele de partid și sovietice din
RASSM și RSSM (The Soviet and Party Institutions and
Nomenclature in the Moldavian ASSR and the MSSR, 1924-1956) (Editura Cartdidact, Chișinău, 2017,
Cristina Diac – PhD
in History, 3rd degree researcher of the National Institute for the Study of
Totalitarianism. Recently published work: Zorii
comunismului în România. Ștefan Foriș, un destin neterminat (The Dawn of Communism in
Ghibianski – PhD in History, Principal Researcher at
the Institute for Slavic Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Member of
the Journal of Cold War Studies (Cold War Studies Center, Harvard University,
USA). He has published volumes such as: The
Cominform: Minutes of the Three Conferences 1947/1948/1949 (Feltrinelli,
Milano, 1994, co-author); The
Establishment of Communist Regimes in Eastern Europe, 1944-1949 (Boulder,
Colorado, 1997, co-editor).
Dariusz Jarosz –Ph.D
in History, Professor of Recent History at the
Jianu – PhD in history, trainee researcher at Società
Italiana per l'Organizzazione Internazionale, Rome. Associate researcher at the
Institute of Sociology of the Romanian Academy.
Paulina Marczuk – Dr. Hab. in Political Science. Associate
Professor at the Institute of International Relations of the Faculty of
Political Science and International Studies, University of Warsaw. Recently
published work: Reconciliation –
Partnership – Security: Cooperation between Poland and Germany 1991–2016 (Nomos
Verlagsgesellschaft, Baden-Baden, 2016).
Gheorghe Onişoru – 1st degree researcher at the National Institute for the Study of
Totalitarianism. PhD, Professor at the “Ștefan cel Mare”
Roske – PhD in Philology. 1st degree researcher of the
National Institute for the Study of Totalitarianism. Associate Professor.
Chairman of the Department of English of the Faculty of Foreign Languages and
Literature, University of Bucharest. Scientific Secretary of the National
Institute for the Study of Totalitarianism. Editor-in-chief of “Totalitarianism
Archives” journal. Recently published work: Romania
1945-1989. Enciclopedia regimului comunist, vol. III, P-R. Represiunea (Romania 1945-1989. Encyclopaedia of the
Communist Regime. The Repression, Vol. III: P-R) (I.N.S.T., 2016) (coord.).
Adrian Constantin
Rotar – PhD Candidate at the Faculty of History of the “
Ioan Scurtu – PhD,
Professor, Chairman of the Department of Historical and Archaeological Sciences
of the
Aleksandr S. Stykalin
– PhD in History, leading researcher of the Institute for Slavic Studies of
Artyom A. Ulunyan – PhD in Historical Sciences, Chairman
of the Department of the History of the Balkans, South Caucasus and Central
Asia of the Moscow Institute of World History, the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Recently published work: „Scutul
balcanic” al socialismului. Politica de apărare a Albaniei, Bulgariei, României
şi Iugoslaviei (mijlocul anilor 1950 – anul 1980). [The Balkan “Shield of Socialism.” The Defense Policy of
„Arhivele Totalitarismului”
(Totalitarianism Archives)
Volume XXV, No. 96-97, 3-4/2017
Flori Bălănescu –
3rd researcher of the National Institute for the Study of Totalitarianism.
Recently published work:
Bejenaru – Senior advisor at the National Council for
the Study of the Security Archives.
Bottoni - PhD in History at the
University of Bologna. Principal Researcher at the Institute of History of the
Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Recently published work: Long Awaited West. Eastern Europe since 1944
(Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2017).
Buga – PhD in History, Associate Professor at the National Institute for the
Study of Totalitarianism, coordinator of the Centre for Russian and
Soviet Studies of the
National Institute for the Study of Totalitarianism. Vice President of
the Joint Romanian-Russian History Commission. Recently published work: Pe muchie de cuțit. Relațiile
româno-sovietice, 1965-1989 (Edge of
the Knife. The Romanian-Soviet Relations, 1965-1989) (I.N.S.T., 2014).
Burcea – PhD student at the Faculty of History of the
University of Bucharest. Research Assistant at the “Contexte” Contemporary
History Research Center of the Faculty of History, the University of Bucharest.
Recently published work: „Apărând
orânduirea de stat”. Siguranța pe urmele lui Gheorghe Crosneff în România
interbelică (‟Defending State Order”:
Safety in the Footsteps of Gheorghe Crosneff in Interwar Romania) (Editura
Universității din București, 2016).
Ana-Maria Cătănuş –
PhD in History, 3rd degree researcher of the National Institute for the Study
of Totalitarianism. Recently published work: Vocaţia libertăţii. Forme de
disidenţă în România anilor 1970-1980
(The Vocation of Freedom. Forms of
Dissidence in the 1970-1980 Romania) (I.N.S.T., 2014).
Dan Cătănuş –
PhD in History, 2nd degree researcher of the National Institute for the Study
of Totalitarianism. Recently published work: România 1945-1989. Enciclopedia regimului comunist. Instituții de
partid, de stat, obștești și cooperatiste (
Radu Ciuceanu – Former political prisoner
under the Communist regime, between 1948 and 1963 (Penitentiaries of Craiova,
Pitesti, Jilava, Târgşor, Gherla, Văcăreşti, Lugoj). PhD in History, 1st degree
researcher. Director of the National Institute for the Study of
Totalitarianism. Chairman of the Scientific Council of the National Institute
for the Study of Totalitarianism. The initiator of the first film about the
Romanian Gulag Dentro il Gulag Romeno,
1991, and the television series Memorialul
Durerii (The Memorial of Pain). Recently published work: La taină cu diavolul, vol. V (To
the Devil with the Devil. Memories, vol. V) (I.N.S.T., 2015).
Cristina Diac –PhD
in History, 3rd degree researcher of the National Institute for the Study of
Totalitarianism. Recently published work: Zorii
comunismului în România. Ștefan Foriș, un destin neterminat (The Dawn of Communism in
Ewelina Drzewiecka
- PhD in Cultural Studies and M.A. in Theology. Associate Professor at the
Institute for Slavic Studies of the
Anna Sergheevna
Gladysheva – Researcher of the Department of the History of Eastern Europe
after the Second World War, the Institute for Slavic Studies of the Russian
Academy of Sciences. PhD candidate at the Faculty of History of the
Alina Ilinca – Senior
advisor at the National Council for the Study of the Securitate Archives
(C.N.S.A.S.). PhD in Economic History.
Jianu – PhD in history, researcher of the National
Institute for the Study of Totalitarianism (I.N.S.T.).
Florin-Răzvan Mihai
– PhD in History, 3rd degree researcher of the National Institute for the
Study of Totalitarianism. Recently published work: Viața lui Ceaușescu. Vol. III: Tiranul (The Life of Ceauşescu, volume III: The Tyrant) (Editura Cetatea de Scaun, 2015).
Cornel Mihulecea – Engineer,
graduated from the Craiova Faculty of Electrical Machines and Apparatus. The
last chairman of the State Committee for Nuclear Power (C.S.E.N.), during
Albina Feodorovna
Noskova – PhD in History, leading researcher at the Institute for Slavic
Studies of the
Antoaneta Olteanu – PhD,
Professor of the Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures,
Cristina Petrescu – PhD
in Comparative History. Associate Professor at the Faculty of Political
Sciences, University of
Don Quixote: Resistance and Dissent in Communist
Roske – PhD in Philology. 1st degree researcher of the
National Institute for the Study of Totalitarianism. Associate Professor.
Chairman of the Department of English of the Faculty of Foreign Languages and
Literature, University of Bucharest. Scientific Secretary of the National
Institute for the Study of Totalitarianism. Editor-in-chief of “Totalitarianism
Archives” journal. Recently published work: Romania
1945-1989. Enciclopedia regimului comunist, vol. III, P-R. Represiunea (Romania 1945-1989. Encyclopaedia of the
Communist Regime. The Repression, Vol. III: P-R) (I.N.S.T., 2016, coord.).
Ukielski – Principal Researcher at the Institute of
Political Studies of the Academy of Sciences of Poland. Lecturer at the
Collegium Civitas University. Deputy Director of the Warsaw Insurrection Museum
(2004-2014 and 2016); Vice President of the National Remembrance Institute
(2014-2016); Member of the Executive Board of the European Platform for Memory
and Conscience (since 2011). Recently published work: The Velvet Divorce. The Role of Political Elites in the Division of Czechoslovakia
Process, 2007.
Iulian Warter –PhD
in Intercultural Management. Chairman of the Centre for Socio-Economic Studies
and Multiculturalism in
Warter – PhD in Intercultural Management, Vice President
of the Centre for Socio-Economic Studies and Multiculturalism in Iași.
„Arhivele Totalitarismului”
(Totalitarianism Archives)
Volume XXV, No. 94-95, 1-2/2017
Florian Banu – PhD
in History, Senior advisor at the National Council for the Study of the
Securitate Archives. Recently published work: Partidul şi Securitatea. Istoria unei idile eşuate, 1948-1989 (The Communist Party and the Securitate. The History
of a Failed Romance, 1948-1989), (Editura
Demiurg, 2013, co-editor).
Luminiţa Banu – Senior
advisor at the National Council for the Study of the Security Archives.
Recently published work: „Partidul şi
Securitatea. Istoria unei idile eşuate, 1948-1989” (The Communist Party and the Securitate. The History of a Failed
Romance, 1948-1989), (Editura Demiurg, 2013, co-editor).
Bejenaru – Senior advisor at the National Council for
the Study of the Securitate Archives.
Radu Florian Bruja – PhD in History, Lecturer at the “Ştefan cel Mare” University, Suceava. Recently
published work:
Bukowina. Inni wśród swoich (Warsaw - Zielon
Góra - Piła, 2017, iin collaboration).
Budişteanu – PhD in Architecture. Senior lecturer, Doctor Honoris Causa of the “Alecu
Russo” State University, Bălţi (The Republic
of Moldova). International Civil Servant with the United Nations, employed
by the Centre for Housing, Building and Planning in New York (1967-1972); Chief
of Section of Technical Assistance for Africa and Latin America; Chief
Architect of the City of Bucharest (1977-1983); Member of the Scientific
Council of the National Institute for the Study of Totalitarianism; Chairman of
the Romanian Branch of the English-Speaking Union (ESU). Recently
published work: Între istorie şi
judecata posterităţii (Between
History and the Judgement of Posterity), a book written in dialogue with Flori
Bălănescu (I.N.S.T., 2010).
Buga – PhD in History, Associate Professor of the National Institute for the
Study of Totalitarianism, coordinator of the Centre for Russian and
Soviet Studies of the
National Institute for the Study of Totalitarianism, Vice President of
the Joint Romanian-Russian History Commission. Recently published work: Pe muchie de cuțit. Relațiile româno-sovietice,
1965-1989 (Edge of the Knife. The
Romanian-Soviet Relations, 1965-1989) (I.N.S.T., 2014).
Julian Casanova Ruiz
– Spanish historian, Professor, head member of the Contemporary History Department
of the
Ana-Maria Cătănuş –
PhD in History, 3rd degree researcher of the National Institute for the Study
of Totalitarianism. Recently published work: Vocaţia libertăţii. Forme de
disidenţă în România anilor 1970-1980
(The Vocation of Freedom. Forms of
Dissidence in the 1970-1980 Romania), (I.N.S.T., 2014).
Dan Cătănuş –
PhD in History, 2nd degree researcher of the National Institute for the Study
of Totalitarianism. Recently published work: România 1945-1989. Enciclopedia regimului comunist. Instituții de
partid, de stat, obștești și cooperatiste (
Radu Ciuceanu – Former political prisoner
under the Communist regime, between 1948 and 1963 (Penitentiaries of Craiova,
Pitesti, Jilava, Târgşor, Gherla, Văcăreşti, Lugoj). PhD in History, 1st degree
researcher. Director of the National Institute for the Study of
Totalitarianism. Chairman of the Scientific Council of the National Institute
for the Study of Totalitarianism. The initiator of the first film about the
Romanian Gulag Dentro il Gulag Romeno,
1991, and the television series Memorialul
Durerii (The Memorial of Pain).
Recently published work: La taină cu diavolul
vol. V (To the Devil with the Devil.
Memories, vol. V) (I.N.S.T., 2015).
Gheorghe Cojocaru – PhD in History, Director
of the History Institute of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova. Chairman of the
Commission for the Study and Analysis of the Totalitarian Communist Regime in
the Republic of Moldova. Recently published work: Dezghețul lui Hrușciov și problema Basarabiei (Khrushchev’s “Thaw” and the Bessarabian Problem) (Editura Cetatea de Scaun, 2014).
Costache – Graduate from the Faculty of History,
Cristina Diac – PhD
in History, 3rd degree researcher of the National Institute for the Study of
Totalitarianism. Recently published work: Zorii
comunismului în România. Ștefan Foriș, un destin neterminat (The Dawn of Communism in
Dănuț Doboş – Coordinator
of the History Departments of the Roman Catholic Diocese of
Fuştei – PhD in History, PhD in
Theology, Scientific Coordinator of the Contemporary History Section of the Institute
of History, the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Moldova.
Diego Gaspar
Constantin Hlihor – PhD,
Associate Professor at the Faculty of History, University of Bucharest, 1st
degree researcher at the Institute for the Study of the Romanian Revolution of
December 1989. Recently published work: România
şi şocurile geopolitice ale Războiului Rece (1980-1991) (Romania and the Geopolitical Shocks of the
Cold War, 1980-1991) (Editura IRRD, 2016).
Paulina Marczuk – Dr. Hab. in Political Sciences. Associate
Professor at the Institute of International Relations of the Faculty of
Political Science and International Studies, University of Warsaw. Recently
published work: Reconciliation –
Partnership – Security: Cooperation between Poland and Germany 1991–2016
(Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, Baden-Baden, 2016).
Florin-Răzvan Mihai
– PhD in History, 3rd degree researcher of the National Institute for the
Study of Totalitarianism. Recently published work: Viața lui Ceaușescu. Vol. III: Tiranul (The Life of Ceauşescu, volume III: The Tyrant) (Editura Cetatea de Scaun, 2015).
Albina Feodorovna
Noskova – PhD in History, leading researcher at the Institute for Slavic
Studies of the
Cristina Roman – M.A.
in International Relationships of the Faculty of History, University of
Roske – PhD in Philology. 1st degree researcher of the
National Institute for the Study of Totalitarianism. Associate Professor.
Chairman of the Department of English of the Faculty of Foreign Languages and
Literature, University of Bucharest. Scientific Secretary of the National
Institute for the Study of Totalitarianism. Editor-in-chief of “Totalitarianism
Archives” journal. Recently published work: Romania
1945-1989. Enciclopedia regimului comunist, vol. III, P-R. Represiunea (Romania 1945-1989. Encyclopaedia of the
Communist Regime. The Repression, Vol. III: P-R) (I.N.S.T., 2016) (coord.).
Nicoleta Spiridon – Senior advisor at the National
Council for the Study of the Security Archives.
Artyom A. Ulunyan – PhD in Historical Sciences, Chairman
of the Department of the History of the Balkans, South Caucasus and Central
Asia of the Moscow Institute of World History, the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Recently published work: „Scutul balcanic” al socialismului. Politica de apărare a Albaniei, Bulgariei,
României şi Iugoslaviei (mijlocul anilor 1950 – anul 1980). [The Balkan “Shield of Socialism.” The
Defense Policy of
Cécile Vaissié – Professor,
PhD in Political Sciences, Chairman of the Department of Russian Studies of the
University of Rennes 2. Specialist
in Russian and East European Studies. Author of volumes, such as: Pour votre liberté et pour la nôtre. Le
combat des dissidents de Russie (Paris : Robert Laffont, 1999); Une femme en dissidence - Larissa Bogoraz (Paris: Plon, 2000) ; Les ingénieurs des âmes en chef. Littérature
et politique en URSS (1944-1986) (Paris: Belin, 2008) ; Les Réseaux du Kremlin en France (Paris
: Les Petits Matins, 2016).
Aurelia Vasile – PhD in History, Associate Researcher at
Centre Georges Chevrier of the University of Bourgogne and Centre d’Histoire Culturelle
des Sociétés Contemporaines of the University of Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines. Jointly-awarded
PhD at the
Viktorovna Volokitina – PhD in History, Principal Researcher
at the Slavic Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Chairwoman of the
Centre for the Study of the Social Processes in the Central and South-Eastern
European Countries after the Second World War. Recently published work: State and Church in U.R.S.S. and the Eastern
European countries during the Political Crisis of the Second Half of the 20th Century
„Arhivele Totalitarismului”
(Totalitarianism Archives)
Volume XXIV, No. 92-93, 3-4/2016
Florian Banu –PhD
in History, senior advisor at the National Council for the Study of the
Securitate Archives. Recent published work: Partidul
şi Securitatea. Istoria unei idile eşuate, 1948-1989 (The Communist Party and the Securitate. The History
of a Failed Romance, 1948-1989), (Editura Demiurg, 2013, co-editor).
Luminiţa Banu – Senior
advisor at the National Council for the Study of the Security Archives. Recent
published work: Partidul şi Securitatea. Istoria unei idile eşuate, 1948-1989 (The Communist Party and the Securitate. The History
of a Failed Romance, 1948-1989), (Editura Demiurg, 2013, co-editor).
Delia Bălăican –
PhD in History, bibliographer at the Romanian Academy Library.
Flori Bălănescu – 3rd
researcher of the National Institute for the Study of Totalitarianism. Recently
published work:
Bejenaru – Senior advisor at the National Council for
the Study of the Securitate Archives.
Bosomitu – PhD in History, researcher of the Institute
for the Investigation of Communist Crimes and the Memory of the Romanian Exile.
Recent published work: Miron
Constantinescu. O biografie (Miron
Constantinescu. A Biography) (Editura Humanitas, 2015).
Buga – PhD in History, Associate Professor of the National Institute for the
Study of Totalitarianism, coordinator of the Center for Russian and
Soviet Studies of the
National Institute for the Study of Totalitarianism, Vice President of
the Joint Romanian-Russian History Commission. Recently published work: Pe muchie de cuțit. Relațiile
româno-sovietice, 1965-1989 (Edge of
the Knife. The Romanian-Soviet Relations, 1965-1989) (I.N.S.T., 2014).
Ana-Maria Cătănuş –
PhD in History, 3rd degree researcher of the National Institute for the Study
of Totalitarianism. Recently published work: Vocaţia libertăţii. Forme de
disidenţă în România anilor 1970-1980
(The Vocation of Freedom. Forms of
Dissidence in the 1970-1980 Romania), (I.N.S.T., 2014).
Dan Cătănuş –
PhD in History, 2nd degree researcher of the National Institute for the Study
of Totalitarianism. Recently published work: România 1945-1989. Enciclopedia regimului comunist. Instituții de
partid, de stat, obștești și cooperatiste (
Radu Ciuceanu – Former political prisoner
under the Communist regime, between 1948 and 1963 (Penitentiaries of Craiova,
Pitesti, Jilava, Târgşor, Gherla, Văcăreşti, Lugoj). PhD in History, 1st degree
researcher. Director of the National Institute for the Study of
Totalitarianism. Chairman of the Scientific Council of the National Institute for the Study of
Totalitarianism. The initiator of the first film about the Romanian Gulag Dentro il Gulag Romeno, 1991, and
the television series Memorialul Durerii
(The Memorial of Pain). Recently
published work: La taină cu diavolul,
vol. V (To the Devil with the Devil. Memories, vol. V) (I.N.S.T., 2015).
Cristina Diac –PhD
in History, 3rd degree researcher of the National Institute for the Study of
Totalitarianism. Recently published work: Zorii
comunismului în România. Ștefan Foriș, un destin neterminat (The Dawn of Communism in
Theodora Enache – M.A. student of the Faculty of
Filipescu – PhD student of the
Faculty of History,
Ionuţ Mircea Marcu
– Postgraduate student of the Faculty of History,
Florin-Răzvan Mihai
– PhD in History, 3rd degree researcher of the National Institute for the
Study of Totalitarianism. Recently published work: Viața lui Ceaușescu. Vol. III: Tiranul (The Life of Ceauşescu, volume III: The Tyrant) (Editura Cetatea de Scaun, 2015).
Aneta Mihaylova –
PhD in History, researcher of the
Mironov – PhD in History, 3rd degree researcher of the National Institute
for the Study of Totalitarianism. Lecturer at the Faculty of History,
University of
Constantin Moraru – PhD in History,
archivist at the National Archives of Romania. Recently published work: România:
supravieţuire şi afirmare prin diplomaţie în anii Războiului Rece. Trei decenii
de relaţii româno-americane, 1955-1985. Documente (
Dragoş Petrescu
– PhD, Professor at the Faculty of
Political Sciences, University of
Roske – PhD in Philology. 1st degree researcher of the
National Institute for the Study of Totalitarianism. Associate Professor.
Chairman of the Department of English of the Faculty of Foreign Languages and
Literature, University of Bucharest. Scientific Secretary of the National
Institute for the Study of Totalitarianism. Editor-in-chief of “Totalitarianism
Archives” journal. Recently published work: Romania
1945-1989. Enciclopedia regimului comunist, vol. III, P-R. Represiunea (Romania 1945-1989. Encyclopaedia of the
Communist Regime. The Repression, Vol. III: P-R) (I.N.S.T., 2016, coord.).
Ioana Elena Secu – PhD
Candidate at the Faculty of History, University of
Nicoleta Spiridon– Senior advisor at the National
Council for the Study of the Security Archives.
Cezar Stanciu –
PhD in History, Lecturer at the “Valahia”
Iulian Toader – PhD
student of the Faculty of History,
Viktorovna Volokitina – PhD in History, Principal
Researcher at the Slavic Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Chairwoman of the Centre for the Study of the Social Processes in the Central
and South-Eastern European Countries after the Second World War. Recently published work: State and Church in U.R.S.S.
and the Eastern European Countries during the Political Crisis of the Second Half
of the 20th Century (
Alexandru Voicu
– M.A. student of the Faculty of History,
„Arhivele Totalitarismului”
(Totalitarianism Archives)
Volume XXIV, No. 90-91, 1-2/2016
Mioara Anton – PhD in History, 2nd degree
researcher at the “Nicolae Iorga” Institute of History. Recent published work: Guvernaţi şi guvernanţi: 1945-1965 (Governments and Governors. Letters to Power
(1945-1965) (Polirom, 2013, co-author).
Florian Banu – PhD
in History, senior advisor at the National Council for the Study of the Securitate
Archives. Recent published work: Partidul
şi Securitatea. Istoria unei idile eşuate, 1948-1989 (The Communist Party and the Securitate. The History
of a Failed Romance, 1948-1989) (Editura
Demiurg, 2013, co-editor).
Luminiţa Banu – Senior
advisor at the National Council for the Study of the Security Archives. Recent published work: Partidul
şi Securitatea. Istoria unei idile eşuate, 1948-1989 (The Communist Party and the Securitate. The History
of a Failed Romance, 1948-1989) (Editura
Demiurg, 2013, co-editor).
Flori Bălănescu –
3rd researcher of the National Institute for the Study of Totalitarianism.
Recently published work:
Bejenaru – Senior advisor at the National Council for
the Study of the Security Archives.
Buga – PhD in History, Associate Professor of the National Institute for the
Study of Totalitarianism, coordinator of the Center for Russian and
Soviet Studies of the
National Institute for the Study of Totalitarianism, Vice President of
the Joint Romanian-Russian History Commission. Recently published work: Pe muchie de cuțit. Relațiile
româno-sovietice, 1965-1989 (Edge of
the Knife. The Romanian-Soviet Relations, 1965-1989) (I.N.S.T., 2014).
Adam Burakowski –
Dr. Hab. in Political Sciences, Professor of the Warsaw Institute of Political
Sciences, Polish Academy of Sciences. Recently published work: Sistemul politic din România contemporană (The Political System of Contemporary Romania) (
Burcea – PhD candidate at the Faculty of History of the
University of Bucharest. Recently published work: Spectrele lui Dej (Dej's Spectres)
(Polirom, 2012, co-author).
Ana-Maria Cătănuş –
PhD in History, 3rd degree researcher of the National Institute for the Study
of Totalitarianism. Recently published work: Vocaţia libertăţii. Forme de disidenţă
în România anilor 1970-1980 (The Vocation of Freedom. Forms of Dissidence
in the 1970-1980 Romania) (I.N.S.T., 2014).
Dan Cătănuş –
PhD in History, 2nd degree researcher of the National Institute for the Study
of Totalitarianism. Recently published work: România 1945-1989. Enciclopedia regimului comunist. Instituții de
partid, de stat, obștești și cooperatiste (
Radu Ciuceanu – Former political prisoner
under the Communist regime, between 1948 and 1963 (Penitentiaries of Craiova,
Pitesti, Jilava, Târgşor, Gherla, Văcăreşti, Lugoj). PhD in History, 1st degree
researcher. Director of the National Institute for the Study of
Totalitarianism. Chairman of the Scientific Council of the National Institute
for the Study of Totalitarianism. The initiator of the first film about the
Romanian Gulag Dentro il Gulag Romeno,
1991, and the television series Memorialul
Durerii (The Memorial of Pain).
Recently published work: La taină cu
diavolul, vol. V (To the Devil with
the Devil. Memories, vol. V) (I.N.S.T., 2015).
Ion Constantin – PhD
in History. Associate Researcher of the National Institute for the Study of
Totalitarianism. Recently published work: Problema
Basarabiei în discuțiile româno-sovietice din timpul Războiului Rece, 1945-1989
(The Bessarabian Problem in
Soviet-Romanian Discussions during the Cold War, 1946-1989) (Institutul
Național pentru Studiul Totalitarismului, 2015).
Cristina Diac – PhD
in History, 3rd degree researcher of the National Institute for the Study of
Totalitarianism. Recently published work: Zorii
comunismului în România. Ștefan Foriș, un destin neterminat (The Dawn of Communism in
Filipescu – PhD student of the
Faculty of History,
Alina Ilinca – Senior advisor at the National
Council for the Study of the Securitate Archives.
Ionuţ Mircea Marcu
– Postgraduate student of the Faculty of History,
Mâniceanu – M.A. student of the Faculty of History,
Mironov – PhD in History, 3rd degree researcher of the National Institute
for the Study of Totalitarianism. Lecturer at the Faculty of History,
University of
Antoaneta Olteanu – PhD,
Professor at the Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures,
Gheorghe Onişoru – PhD,
1st degree researcher at the National Institute for the Study of
Totalitarianism. Professor at the “Ștefan cel Mare”
Roske – PhD in Philology. 1st degree researcher of the
National Institute for the Study of Totalitarianism. Associate Professor.
Chairman of the Department of English of the Faculty of Foreign Languages and
Literature, University of Bucharest. Scientific Secretary of the National
Institute for the Study of Totalitarianism. Editor-in-chief of “Totalitarianism
Archives” journal. Recently published work: Romania
1945-1989. Enciclopedia regimului comunist, vol. III, P-R. Represiunea (Romania 1945-1989. Encyclopaedia of the
Communist Regime. The Repression, Vol. III: P-R) (I.N.S.T., 2016, coord.).
Adrian Constantin
Rotar – M.A. student at the Faculty of History of the “Alexandru I. Cuza”
Ioana Elena Secu – PhD
Candidate at the Faculty of History, University of
Aleksandr S. Stykalin
– PhD in History, leading researcher at the Institute for Slavic Studies of
Tărîţă – PhD in history. Researcher of the Institute
of History of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova.
Arhivele Totalitarismului
(Totalitarianism Archives)
Volume XXIII, No. 88-89, 3-4/2015
Mioara Anton – PhD in History, 2nd degree
researcher at the “Nicolae Iorga” Institute of History. Recent published work: Guvernaţi şi guvernanţi: 1945-1965 (Governments and Governors. Letters to Power
(1945-1965) (Polirom, 2013, co-author).
Florian Banu – PhD
in History, Senior advisor at the National Council for the Study of the
Securitate Archives. Recently published work: Partidul şi Securitatea. Istoria unei idile eşuate, 1948-1989 (The Communist Party and the Securitate. The
History of a Failed Romance, 1948-1989), (Editura Demiurg, 2013, co-editor).
Ciprian Bălăban
– PhD, lecturer
at the Penticostal Theological Institute in Bucharest.
Buga – PhD in History, Associate Professor at the National Institute for the
Study of Totalitarianism, coordinator of the Centre for Russian and
Soviet Studies of the
National Institute for the Study of Totalitarianism, Vice President of
the Joint Romanian-Russian History Commission. Recently published work: Pe muchie de cuțit. Relațiile
româno-sovietice, 1965-1989 (Edge of
the Knife. The Romanian-Soviet Relations, 1965-1989) (I.N.S.T., 2014).
Adam Burakowski – Dr. in Political Sciences, Professor of the Warsaw Institute
of Political Sciences, Polish Academy of Sciences. Recently published work: Sistemul politic din România contemporană (The Political System of Contemporary Romania) (
Mihai Burcea – PhD candidate at the Faculty of History of the
University in Bucharest; assistant researcher at the National Institute for the
Study of Totalitarianism. Recently published work : Spectrele lui Dej (Dej’ Spectres) (Polirom, 2012, coauthor).
Ana-Maria Cătănuş – PhD in History, 3rd degree researcher of
the National Institute for the Study of Totalitarianism. Recently published
work: Vocaţia libertăţii. Forme de disidenţă în România anilor 1970-1980 (The
Vocation of Freedom. Forms of Dissidence in the 1970-1980 Romania)
(I.N.S.T., 2014).
Dan Cătănuş – PhD in History, 3rd degree
researcher of the National Institute for the Study of Totalitarianism. Recently
published work: România 1945-1989.
Enciclopedia regimului comunist. Instituţii de partid, de stat, obşteşti şi
cooperatiste (România 1945-1989. The
Encyclopedia of the Communist Regime. Party, State, Public and Cooperative
Institutions) (Bucuresti, I.N.S.T, 2012 coordinator).
Chiper – PhD, professor at the Faculty of History,
University of Bucharest; doctorate supervisor at the Institute of History „Nicolae
Iorga” of the Romanian Academy.
Radu Ciuceanu – Former political
prisoner under the Communist regime, between 1948 and 1963 (Penitentiaries of
Craiova, Pitesti, Jilava, Târgşor, Gherla, Văcăreşti, Lugoj). PhD in History,
1st degree researcher. Director of the National Institute for the Study of
Totalitarianism. Chairman of the Scientific Council of the National Institute
for the Study of Totalitarianism. The initiator of the first film about the
Romanian Gulag Dentro il Gulag Romeno,
1991, and the television series Memorialul
Durerii (The Memorial of Pain).
Recently published work: La taină cu Diavolul (In Secret with the Devil) (I.N.S.T., 2015).
Cristina Diac – PhD in
History, 3rd degree researcher of the National Institute for the Study of
Totalitarianism. Recently published work: Zorii
comunismului în România. Ștefan Foriș, un destin neterminat (The Dawn of Communism in Romania. Ştefan
Foriş, an Un-accomplished Destiny) (Editura Cetatea de Scaun, 2014).
Cristian-Adelin Dumitru – M.A. student of the program „The History of Communism in Romania”,
University of Bucharest.
Filipescu – PhD candidate of the University of Bucharest.
Anna S.
Gladysheva – PhD candidate, scientific researcher at
the Center for the study of social processes in East-Central Europe after World
War II at the Institute of Slavistics of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Irina Lyubomirova Ognyanova – PhD in
History, associate professor with the
Alexandru-Murad Mironov – PhD in History, 3rd degree
researcher of the National Institute for the Study of Totalitarianism. Lecturer
at the Faculty of History, University of Bucharest. Recently published work: Vremea încercărilor. Relaţiile
româno-sovietice, 1930-1940 (The Time of Trial. Romanian-Soviet Relations,
1930-1940) (I.N.S.T., 2014).
Mitrache – PhD candidate at the Institute of History „Nicolae
Iorga” of the Romanian Academy; minister-councillor of the Ministry of Foreign
Nakonechnyi – PhD candidate at the Institute of
Russia’s in St.
Olteanu – PhD, Professor at the Faculty of Foreign
Languages and Literatures, University of Bucharest. Chairwoman of the
Department of Russian and Slavic Philology. Recently published work: Rusia imperială. O
istorie culturală a secolului al XIX-lea. (Imperial
Russia. A
Cultural History of the 21st Century) (Editura All,
Petrescu - PhD in Comparative History. Associate
Professor at the Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Bucharest.
Recently published work: From Robin Hood
Don Quixote: Resistance and Dissent in Communist Romania (Editura
Enciclopedică, 2013).
Roske – PhD in Philology. 1st degree researcher of the
National Institute for the Study of Totalitarianism. Associate Professor.
Chairman of the Department of English of the Faculty of Foreign Languages and
Literature, University of Bucharest. Scientific Secretary of the National
Institute for the Study of Totalitarianism. Editor-in-chief of “Totalitarianism
Archives” journal. Recently published work: Romania
1945-1989. Enciclopedia regimului comunist, vol. II: F-O. Represiunea (Romania 1945-1989. Encyclopaedia of the Communist Regime. The
Repression, Vol. II: F-O) (I.N.S.T., 2012, coord.)
Adrian Solomon – PhD in Philology,
professor at the Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest; editor at the
publishung house of the Romanian Cultural Institute.
Cezar Stanciu – PhD in History, assistant
professor at the Faculty of Humanities
of the University „Valahia” in Târgovişte; editor in chief of „Valahian
Journal of Historical Studies”. Recently published work: Nicolae Ceauşescu şi mişcarea comunistă internaţională (Nicolae Ceauşescu and the Communist International Movement) (Editura Cetatea de
Scaun, Târgovişte, 2014).
Tiţă – PhD in History, a specialist in the history of
Romanian-Bulgarian relations after World War II. Executive director of the
Regional Director of Culture Constanţa. Recently published work: Relaţii româno-bulgare (1945-1965): dicţionar
cronologic (Romanian-Bulgarian Relations (1945-1965): Cronological Dictionary)
Ploieşti, 2012.
Arhivele Totalitarismului
(Totalitarianism Archives)
Volume XXIII, No. 86-87, 1-2/2015
Florian Banu – PhD
in History, Senior advisor at the National Council for the Study of the
Securitate Archives. Recently published work: Partidul şi Securitatea. Istoria unei idile eşuate, 1948-1989 (The Communist Party and the Securitate. The
History of a Failed Romance, 1948-1989), (Editura Demiurg, 2013, co-editor).
Bălănescu – PhD Candidate at the Romanian Academy, 3rd degree
researcher of the National Institute for the Study of Totalitarianism. Recently
published work: Între istorie şi judecata posterităţii, Alexandru Budişteanu în Dialog cu
Flori Bălănescu (Between History and the Posterity Judgement. Dialogue of Alexandru Budişteanu with cu Flori
Bălănescu) ( I.N.S.T., 2011).
Buga – PhD in History, Associate Professor at the National Institute for the
Study of Totalitarianism, coordinator of the Centre for Russian and
Soviet Studies of the
National Institute for the Study of Totalitarianism, Vice President of
the Joint Romanian-Russian History Commission. Recently published work: Pe muchie de cuțit. Relațiile româno-sovietice,
1965-1989 (Edge of the Knife. The
Romanian-Soviet Relations, 1965-1989) (I.N.S.T., 2014).
Mihai Burcea – PhD candidate at the Faculty of History of the
University in Bucharest; assistant researcher at the National Institute for the
Study of Totalitarianism. Recently published work : Spectrele lui Dej (Dej’ Spectres) (Polirom, 2012, coauthor).
Ana-Maria Cătănuş – PhD in History, 3rd degree
researcher of the National Institute for the Study of Totalitarianism. Recently
published work: Vocaţia libertăţii. Forme de disidenţă în România anilor
1970-1980 (The Vocation of Freedom. Forms of Dissidence
in the 1970-1980 Romania) (I.N.S.T., 2014).
Dan Cătănuş – PhD in History, 3rd degree
researcher of the National Institute for the Study of Totalitarianism. Recently
published work: România 1945-1989.
Enciclopedia regimului comunist. Instituţii de partid, de stat, obşteşti şi
cooperatiste (România 1945-1989. The
Encyclopedia of the Communist Regime. Party, State, Public and Cooperative
Institutions) (Bucuresti, I.N.S.T, 2012 coordinator).
Radu Ciuceanu – Former political
prisoner under the Communist regime, between 1948 and 1963 (Penitentiaries of
Craiova, Pitesti, Jilava, Târgşor, Gherla, Văcăreşti, Lugoj). PhD in History,
1st degree researcher. Director of the National Institute for the Study of
Totalitarianism. Chairman of the Scientific Council of the National Institute
for the Study of Totalitarianism. The initiator of the first film about the
Romanian Gulag Dentro il Gulag Romeno,
1991, and the television series Memorialul
Durerii (The Memorial of Pain).
Recently published work: Prea mult întuneric, Doamne (Lord,
there is too much darkness, I.N.S.T., 2012).
Constantin – PhD in History. Associate Researcher of
the National Institute for the Study of Totalitarianism. Recently published
work: Pantelimon
Halippa, Apostol al Basarabiei (Pantelimon Halippa, the Apostole of Bessarabia) (Editura
Notograf Prim, Chişinău, 2013, coauthor).
Cristina Diac – PhD in
History, 3rd degree researcher of the National Institute for the Study of
Totalitarianism. Recently published work: Zorii
comunismului în România. Ștefan Foriș, un destin neterminat (The Dawn of Communism in Romania. Ştefan
Foriş, an Un-accomplished Destiny) (Editura Cetatea de Scaun, 2014).
Grecu – PhD in Political Sciences, lecturer at the
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University „Hyperion” in Bucharest. Recently published work: Construcţia
unui partid unic: Frontul Renaşterii Naţionale” (The Establishing of a One-Party: the Front of National Renaissance)
(Editura Enciclopedică, 2012).
Alexandru-Murad Mironov – PhD in History, 3rd degree
researcher of the National Institute for the Study of Totalitarianism. Lecturer
at the Faculty of History, University of Bucharest. Recently published work: Vremea încercărilor. Relaţiile
româno-sovietice, 1930-1940 (The Time
of Trial. Romanian-Soviet Relations, 1930-1940) (I.N.S.T., 2014).
Negru – PhD in History,
coordinator scientific researcher of the Institute of History in Chişinău, Rep.
Moldova. Recently published
work: „Cursul deosebit” al României şi
supărarea Moscovei. Disputa sovieto-română şi campaniile propagandistice
antiromâneşti din R.S.S.M. (1965-1989). Studiu şi documente, vol.1, 1965-1975
(Romania’s Different Path and Moscow’s Grudge.
Soviet-Romanian Dispute and the Anti Romanian Propaganda Campaigns in MSSR
(1965-1989). Study and Documents, vol. I: 1965-1975) (Centrul Editorial Poligrafic
Olteanu – PhD, Professor at the Faculty of Foreign Languages
and Literatures, University of Bucharest. Chairwoman of the Department of
Russian and Slavic Philology. Recently published work: Rusia imperială. O istorie culturală a secolului al
XIX-lea. (Imperial Russia. A Cultural History of the 21st
Century) (Editura All, 2011).
Onişoru - PhD, 1st degree researcher at the National
Institute for the Study of Totalitarianism. Professor at the “Ștefan cel Mare”
University of Suceava. Recently published work: Pecetea lui Stalin. Cazul Vasile Luca (The Seal of Stalin. The Case of Vasile Luca) (Editura Cetatea de
Scaun, 2014).
Petrescu - PhD in Comparative History. Associate
Professor at the Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Bucharest.
Recently published work: From Robin Hood
Don Quixote: Resistance and Dissent in Communist Romania (Editura
Enciclopedică, 2013).
Roske – PhD in Philology. 1st-degree researcher of the
National Institute for the Study of Totalitarianism. Associate Professor.
Chairman of the Department of English of the Faculty of Foreign Languages and
Literature, University of Bucharest. Scientific Secretary of the National
Institute for the Study of Totalitarianism. Editor-in-chief of “Totalitarianism
Archives” journal. Recently published work: Romania
1945-1989. Enciclopedia regimului comunist, vol. II: F-O. Represiunea (Romania 1945-1989. Encyclopaedia of the Communist Regime. The
Repression, Vol. II: F-O) (I.N.S.T., 2012, coord.)
Sergheevici Stykalin – PhD in History, leading
researcher of the Institute for Slavic Studies of the Russian Academy of
Sciences. Recently published work: Mnogostoronnyaia diplomatiya v bipolyarnoi
sisteme mezhdunarodnih otnoshenii, Moscova, 2012.
Şimonca – PhD in Philology at the University of
Bucharest with the thesis “From
Inner Exile to Different Sides of Identity in Norman Manea’s Work. American Environment
as the Facilitator for
Anamnesis”; English
teacher at the National College “I.L. Caragiale” in
Viktorovna Volokitina – PhD in History; senior
researcher at the Institute of Slavistics of of the Russian Academy of
Sciences; head of Scientific Center for the Study of Social Processes in
Eastern and Central Europe after World War II. Recently published work: Statul şi biserica în U.R.S.S. şi ţările
Europei de Est în perioada crizelor politice din cea de-a doua jumătate a
secolului al XX-lea (The State and the Church in the SSSR and Eastern Europe
during the Political Crises of the Second Part of the XXth Century)
(Moscova, 2014).
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